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One Knight Stand has moved!! Go to

Okay... Here's the deal... The new One Knight Stand page is up and running; guestbook and all. There are some new pictures of the band and no bloody pop-up windows! its a much better site, so go check it out.
Site Updates
04/14/03 Well the show on Saturday at the Creek Hall was amazing. The band had the most fun ever onstage, and they would like to thank everyone who came out and supported all the local talent that was there. The band is preparing right now for their next show out at Stardust Roller Arena in Surrey on April 20th. They hope to see a lot of people there, as it is a "Band War" and they need support from fans to win. Their next show, after Stardust, is on April 26th at the Creek Hall again. Everyone Come out and support them.

04/03/03 So it's April now, and the band has three big shows this month, including 2 at the Creek Hall. Check out the "Tour" page for all the details. The band's been writing a lot lately. Along with others, they've written a brand new song and it's on the set list for April 12th. Things with Dylan are working out great. Theyre getting a lot done in practices and sound really good. There will be some new pictures on the "pics" page soon. The film has just been picked up.

03/26/03 New pictures!!! Check out the pictures page, we've got lots of shows coming up so get off your lazy ass and come mosh it up!

03/23/03 The band has recently made a very drastic change... Colin has decided to leave the band. Dylan Quarry is the band's new drummer. Dylan joined the band and has already played a show with One Knight Stand. It went pretty well. They played great. Dylan is now the permanent drummer for the band, and his bio and pictures will soon be posted.

03/16/03 Alright... I'd like to start by thanking everyone who came out to the show last night at Stardust. We had a lot of fun and you guys out in the crowd were great! We took a few pics, so those should be up soon, once i get the film developed. As for the band, we're recording this week. We're laying down Colin's drum tracks first on Tuesday and Wednesday, and then Spencer and I will do guitar, bass and vocals later in the week. That's all for now.

03/10/03 So a lot of you people out there have been requesting an update... Well it's been done. There are some new show listings on the tour page. Check 'em out and we hope to see you there. We've started recording again... We're doing all our songs and they'll be posted on the internet after Spring Break when they're all complete. Our Stardust show is rapidly approaching, so come out and support us. Any questions about the show or how you can get a discount ticket, email Kohlby, or talk to him on MSN.

02/21/03 Our demo has been released. New pictures have been added to the "Pics" page. We are preparing for our next show in Richmond next Friday, the 28th. If you're in the Richmond area come out and see us play. Details are on the "Tour" page.

01/29/03 Our demo is finished now. We added an equipment page, and have some songs posted on the net. To hear our songs goto the links page and click Hear us play! That's all for now, take care beloved fans!

01/23/03 Hey we made some updates today. We have a music page now.You can view it from our links so check it out and you can here our mp3s!! We also have our first contest. For more details check out the contests page. The tour for the island during spring break is looking about 80% we just need to get some confirmations. We'll keep you updated. If you're a big enough fan to know our songs, then rate them! Take our poll and rate which song you think is best. Thanks, you all kickass!

01/12/03 We are back from the show in Courtenay. Man that was the most fun we've had at a show in a long time! We owe it all to the crowd you guys rocked and really know what it's all about. Thank you all so much we'll be sure to see you guys again. Most likely during spring break.

01/08/03 New updates to both the biography and pictures pages. The band has been talking to other bands in Vancouver but no more shows as of now. Demo expected to be recorded in next couple of weeks, 2 days until the Courtenay show EVERYONE show up!

01/05/03 The band is getting ready for the show next friday in Courtenay B.C. w/ Blisterlip, The Absence of Tom Foolery, and local bands. 13 originals on there set waiting to be played...

12/17/02 The band has 9 originals featuring "Eyes Above My Head", "Sometimes", and "Hello" hoping to be released on a demo soon. Planned show in Courtenay.


What is your favorite OneKnightStand song?

Click "Take Our Poll" above to rate our songs.

If your band is intersted in playing shows with us, or you have questions for the band, you can e-mail Spencer( or Kohlby ( ).
E-mail the band